You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.24
Kubernetes v1.24 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date information, see the latest version.
Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - July 31 2015
Every week the Kubernetes contributing community meet virtually over Google Hangouts. We want anyone who's interested to know what's discussed in this forum.
Here are the notes from today's meeting:
Private Registry Demo - Muhammed
Run docker-registry as an RC/Pod/Service
Run a proxy on every node
Access as localhost:5000
Should we back it by GCS or S3 when possible?
Run real registry backed by $object_store on each node
DNS instead of localhost?
disassemble image strings?
more like DNS policy?
Running Large Clusters - Joe
Samsung keen to see large scale O(1000)
- Starting on AWS
RH also interested - test plan needed
Plan for next week: discuss working-groups
If you are interested in joining conversation on cluster scalability send mail to [][4]
Resource API Proposal - Clayton
New stuff wants more info on resources
Proposal for resources API - ask apiserver for info on pods
Send feedback to: #11951
Discussion on snapshot vs time-series vs aggregates
Containerized kubelet - Clayton
Open pull
Docker mount propagation - RH carries patches
Big issues around whole bootstrap of the system
- dual: boot-docker/system-docker
Kube-in-docker is really nice, but maybe not critical
Do the small stuff to make progress
Keep pressure on docker
Web UI (preilly)
Where does web UI stand?
OK to split it back out
Use it as a container image
Build image as part of kube release process
Vendor it back in? Maybe, maybe not.
Will DNS be split out?
- Probably more tightly integrated, instead
Other potential spin-outs: