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Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160225
February 25th - Redspread demo, 1.2 update and planning 1.3, newbie introductions, SIG-networking and a shout out to CoreOS blog post.
The Kubernetes contributing community meets most Thursdays at 10:00PT to discuss the project's status via videoconference. Here are the notes from the latest meeting.
Note taker: [Ilan Rabinovich]
- Quick call out for sharing presentations/slides [JBeda]
- Demo (10 min): Redspread [Mackenzie Burnett, Dan Gillespie]
- 1.2 Release Watch [T.J. Goltermann]
- currently about 80 issues in the queue that need to be addressed before branching.
- currently looks like March 7th may slip to later in the week, but up in the air until flakey tests are resolved.
- non-1.2 changes may be delayed in review/merging until 1.2 stabilization work completes.
- 1.3 release planning
- currently about 80 issues in the queue that need to be addressed before branching.
- Newbie Introductions
- SIG Reports -
- Networking [Tim Hockin]
- Scale [Bob Wise]
- meeting last Friday went very well. Discussed charter AND a working deployment
- moved meeting to Thursdays @ 1 (so in 3 hours!)
- Rob is posting a Cluster Ops announce on TheNewStack to recruit more members
- GSoC participation -- no application submitted. [Sarah Novotny]
- Brian Grant has offered to review PRs that need attention for 1.2
- Dynamic Provisioning
- Currently overlaps a bit with the ubernetes work
- PR in progress.
- Should work in 1.2, but being targeted more in 1.3
- Next meeting is March 3rd.
- Demo from Weave on Kubernetes Anywhere
- Another Kubernetes 1.2 update
- Update from CNCF update
- 1.3 commitments from google
- No meeting on March 10th.
To get involved in the Kubernetes community consider joining our Slack channel, taking a look at the Kubernetes project on GitHub, or join the Kubernetes-dev Google group. If you're really excited, you can do all of the above and join us for the next community conversation — March 3rd, 2016. Please add yourself or a topic you want to know about to the agenda and get a calendar invitation by joining this group.
The full recording is available on YouTube in the growing archive of Kubernetes Community Meetings. -- Kubernetes Community