You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.24

Kubernetes v1.24 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Posts in 2015

  • Announcing the First Kubernetes Enterprise Training Course

    Wednesday, July 08, 2015 in Blog

    At Google we rely on Linux application containers to run our core infrastructure. Everything from Search to Gmail runs in containers. In fact, we like containers so much that even our Google Compute Engine VMs run in containers! Because containers …

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  • Kubernetes 1.0 Launch Event at OSCON

    Thursday, July 02, 2015 in Blog

    In case you haven't heard, the Kubernetes project team & community have some awesome stuff lined up for our release event at OSCON in a few weeks. If you haven't already registered for in person or live stream, please do it now! check out …

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  • How did the Quake demo from DockerCon Work?

    Thursday, July 02, 2015 in Blog

    Shortly after its release in 2013, Docker became a very popular open source container management tool for Linux. Docker has a rich set of commands to control the execution of a container. Commands such as start, stop, restart, kill, pause, and …

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  • The Distributed System ToolKit: Patterns for Composite Containers

    Monday, June 29, 2015 in Blog

    Having had the privilege of presenting some ideas from Kubernetes at DockerCon 2015, I thought I would make a blog post to share some of these ideas for those of you who couldn’t be there. Over the past two years containers have become an …

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  • Slides: Cluster Management with Kubernetes, talk given at the University of Edinburgh

    Friday, June 26, 2015 in Blog

    On Friday 5 June 2015 I gave a talk called Cluster Management with Kubernetes to a general audience at the University of Edinburgh. The talk includes an example of a music store system with a Kibana front end UI and an Elasticsearch based back end …

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  • Cluster Level Logging with Kubernetes

    Thursday, June 11, 2015 in Blog

    A Kubernetes cluster will typically be humming along running many system and application pods. How does the system administrator collect, manage and query the logs of the system pods? How does a user query the logs of their application which is …

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  • Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 22 2015

    Tuesday, June 02, 2015 in Blog

    Every week the Kubernetes contributing community meet virtually over Google Hangouts. We want anyone who's interested to know what's discussed in this forum. Discussion / Topics Code Freeze Upgrades of cluster E2E test issues Code Freeze process …

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  • Kubernetes on OpenStack

    Tuesday, May 19, 2015 in Blog

    Today, the OpenStack foundation made it even easier for you deploy and manage clusters of Docker containers on OpenStack clouds by including Kubernetes in its Community App Catalog. At a keynote today at the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver, Mark …

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  • Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 15 2015

    Monday, May 18, 2015 in Blog

    Every week the Kubernetes contributing community meet virtually over Google Hangouts. We want anyone who's interested to know what's discussed in this forum. v1 API - what's in, what's out We're trying to fix critical issues we discover with v1beta3 …

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  • Docker and Kubernetes and AppC

    Monday, May 18, 2015 in Blog

    Recently we announced the intent in Kubernetes, our open source cluster manager, to support AppC and RKT, an alternative container format that has been driven by CoreOS with input from many companies (including Google). This announcement has …

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